Fordítsd angolra

Gyakran megy a szállodába. (fiú)                                                  He often goes to the hotel.

A szobában van. (fiú)                                                                         He is in the room.

Ritkán nézi a kocsikat. (lány)                                                           She seldom looks at the cars.

Beszélek a fiúval minden reggel.                                                   I speak to the boy every morning.

Mindig megkapjuk a szobát.                                                           We always get the room.

A vonatot várja minden nap. (fiú)                                                 He waits for the train every day.

Gyakran megyek templomba.                                                        I often go to church.

Közel van az iskolához.                                                                      It’s near the school.

Van egy gyár Szekszárdon.                                                              There is a factory in Szekszárd.

Szeretek dolgozni.                                                                               I like to work.

Ő is ismeri a szállodát. (fiú)                                                              He also know the hotel.

Én is bemegyek az épületbe minden reggel.                            I also enter the building every morning.

Gyakran busszal megy. (lány)                                                         She often goes by bus.

Néhány igének ugyan az a formája mint a főnévnek:

to walk                                                                                         sétálni
a walk                                                                                           egy séta
to work                                                                                        dolgozni
work                                                                                              munka

Vannak olyan főnevek is, amelyeket igéből képzünk:

to drive                                                                                    vezetni
a drive                                                                                      vezető, sofőr
to speak                                                                                   beszélni
a speech                                                                                  beszéd

Olvasd el a következő mondatokat:

The driver goes for a walk every day.                                  A sofőr sétálni megy minden nap.

We go to work every morning.                                              Minden reggel munkába megyünk.

There is also a speech.                                                               Van egy beszéd is.

 A névelőt nem tesszük ki a to go to work (munkába menni) és a to go to school (iskolába menni) kifejezésekben, csakúgy mint a to go to church (templomba menni) esetében.

Új szavak

morning                                                           mórnin(g)                                          reggel
in the morning                                              in Dzö mórnin(g)                             reggel (mikor?)
evening                                                            ívnin(g)                                              este
in the evening                                               in Dzi ívnin(g)                                   este (mikor?)
red                                                                     red                                                     piros
white                                                                ovájt                                                   fehér
good                                                                  gud                                                    jó
bad                                                                    bed                                                    rossz
five                                                                    fájv                                                    öt
two                                                                    tú                                                        kettő

there                                                                 Dzeör                                                  ott

A „there” szó most helyhatározó ezért a mondat végére kerül.

Most más sorrendben

in the morning                                              in Dzö mórnin(g)                             reggel (mikor?)
red                                                                     red                                                     piros
good                                                                  gud                                                    jó
evening                                                            ívnin(g)                                              este
bad                                                                    bed                                                    rossz
two                                                                    tú                                                        kettő

morning                                                           mórnin(g)                                          reggel
there                                                                 Dzeör                                                  ott

in the evening                                               in Dzi ívnin(g)                                   este (mikor?)
white                                                                ovájt                                                   fehér

Illeszd be az igéket

A sofőrnek is van egy piros kocsija.                                              The driver also has a red car.

Ez egy jó beszéd.                                                                                 It’s a good speech.

Gyakran sétál este.                                                                             He often walks in the evening.

Látjuk a fehér épületet.                                                                    We see the white building.

Ő nincs Budapesten reggel.                                                             She is not in Budapest in the morning.

Nekik is öt kocsijuk van.                                                                    They also have five cars.

Ő rossz asszony.                                                                                   She’s a bad woman.

Gyakran megyek oda.                                                                        I often go there.

Fordítsd angolra

öt ablak                                                                                                five windows
két este                                                                                               two evenings
jó iskola                                                                                                good school
rossz munka                                                                                       bad work
a piros torony mellett                                                                    near the red tower
a fehér boltban                                                                                 in the white shop
nem reggel                                                                                         not in the morning
ő rossz fiú                                                                                            he’s a bad boy
gyakran megy munkába                                                                she often goes to work
jó és rossz                                                                                           good and bad
ő is a fehér épületben van. (fiú)                                                he is also in the white building.
nem este                                                                                             not in the evening
(egy) irodában dolgozik                                                                 to work in an office



Szerző: Árpádiusz  2012.01.01. 23:52 komment

Címkék: 02.lecke

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