Olvasd el a párbeszédet


John, I just read in the newspaper that to people who live in teh country and earn their money in agriculture, the weather is much more important than to those who live in a town or city.


That’s right, favourable weather is necessary for a good crop.


But sometimes it is too dry and at other times it is too wet.


There has to be enough sun, too.


Yes, but if it is too dry for too long the crop will not grow fast enough.


But we know that farmers are not easily satisfied.


Peter, did you listen to what Barbara and John have just said?


Yes, I did. The weather is something to talk about every day and everywhere.


When people meet, they like to talk about the weather.


They are glad when they can sit in the sun for example.


Sometimes the weather can give us beautiful things.


A lightning can be very impressive, but it also scares some people.


Is there anybandy who doesn’t enjoy looking at a rainbow? And what about a beautiful sunset?


Even a thunderstorm or a shower can be beautiful.


The best thing is to be satisfied with the weather, for there is nothing that we can change about it.

Fordítsd angolra

Amit mondasz, nem lehet igaz.

What you say cnnot be true.

Holnap Madridba utaznak.

They are leaving for madrid tomorrow.

Ők maguk utlették el ezeket a burgonyákat.

They planted these potatoes themselves.

Mindig a gyors autójáról beszél.

He is always talking about his fast car.

Ez valami olyan, amit sose láttam azelőtt.

This is something that I have never seen before.

Aki könyveket olvas, sokat tanul.

Who reads books will learn much.

Ma este autóval visz engem haza. (fiú)

He is ddriving me home tonight.

Bárcsak megváltozna az időjárás!

If only the weather changed!

Saját magukat ajánlották a rozs learatására.

They offered themselves to harvest the rye.

Folyton a szobáját takarítja!

She always cleaning her room!

Én magam láttam.

I have seen it myself.

Ez az egyetlen gabona, amit már tároltak.

This is the only corn thatt has been stored already.

Ez a legenyhébb időjárás, amiben hosszú idő óta részünk van.

This is the mildest weather that we have had for a long time.

A rágcsálók sok gabonát megesznek.

Rodents eat a lot of corn.

A vidéki emberek a legegészségesebbek?

Are country people the healthiest ones?

Az általunk ismert állatok közül a patkányok a legkártékonyabbak.

The most harmfoul animals that we know are rats.

A marhatenyéstés még jövedelmező?

Is cattle farming still profitable?

A marhák szenvednek a zord hidegtől.

The cattle are siffering from the raw cold.

Ez a legelő túlságosan nedves.

This pasture is too wet.

Van valami, amit a jégeső megrongált?

Is there anything that has been damaged by the hailstones?

Miért vnna kélősövények a dűlőút mentén?

Why are there hedges along the country lane?

Sok idős ember meghalt a hőhullámban.

Many old people died during the heat-wave.

Megnyírták már a birkákat?

Have the sheep been shorn yet?

Ez az a valami, aami nem tűnik lehetségesnek.

This is something that doesn’t seem to be possible.

Ez a föld semmi eladhatót nem termett.

This field has yielded nothing that can be sold.

Hallottunk a menndörgés morajlását a távolban.

We heard the thunder rumbling in the distance.

Folytatták a betakarítást a szürkületben.

They went on harvesting in the twilight.




Szerző: Árpádiusz  2012.01.01. 21:42 komment

Címkék: 26.lecke

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